Thursday, December 16, 2010

Music Review "Kid Cudi"

Kid Cudi is one of my favorite artist of the year. I did not know much about him except because of the song "Day N Night." My friends introduced him into me again about a month ago. I liked him from the start, my cousin is also very into him.
He has very motivating songs and they are usually slow, but he sometimes speaks quick. His genre is progressive rap which is a new thing. His album "Man on the Moon 2: Journey of Mr. Rager." is my favorite album right now. It used to be "Man on the Moon: The End of the Day" but he made a second album. And in this album his music is still the same style but, it is more fresh. His music inspires me in many ways.
He is a goofy fella. He really shows it in his videos. He is like a Bob Marley is to other people. I also like Bob Marley, but Kid Cudi is just newer. I know many people know about him, but not everyone knows all his songs. Knowing what he does and how he acts paints different pictures of his songs. I don't really care about an artist's life as long as their music is good. I'd hate it if he'd stop making new stuff. Of course there will be new ones later, but not the same.
Some Songs
The Prayer
Pursuit of Happiness
Mojo So Dope
Mr. Solo Dolo
Soundtrack to my Life

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Jay & Nick

Jay and Nick are basically the two main characters of the Great Gatsby. (Duhh Jay Gatsby-The Great Gatsby) Anyways, these two characters are neighbors in the story. Nick to me is just being used by Gatsby. Gatsby never called for Nick or even knew Nick until Jordan Baker told Gatsby that Nick was related to Daisy. After that he sent someone over to invite him to one of his parties.
Nick ended up in the party not knowing what to do, he was interested in this Gatsby that not everyone knew. Gatsby never told any of his plans to Nick he used Jordan Baker to tell him that he wants him to set up a Date? between the two. It would have been a little better if Gatsby at least told him face to face what his plans were.
Nick seems to become Jay's friend overnight. Inviting him for lunch and introducing him to his other friends. Also fakes. In the end of Chapter 5, Nick realizes that he is left out and decides to abandoned the two lovers. He knew at that moment that Gatsby had gotten what he wanted (one again) and he doesn't care about anybody else other than Daisy.
No one seems to know much about Gatsby except for his past with Daisy and were he went to school. What does Gatsby do other than throw parties? This is one of the reasons why I think Gatsby is just using Nick.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Winter Poem

The Season Winter
The Time of Jesus Christ's birth.
Santa is not real.

Christmas isn't about the present,
but of the past, that one event.
There is more to life than money,
It might be dark but soon to be sunny.
The world is covered in a blanket,
A huge white jacket.
The world shifts for a reason,
Different weather every season.
Winter has its holidays,
but everyone has their own ways.
Whatever religion one is,
from Jesus to Adonis.
Making the world a better place,
Once you die meet 'em face to face.
No one knows tomorrow,
Doesn't mean live in sorrow.
Christmas has its gets and gives,
Hoping for the life of relatives.
Use that brand new iPhone,
call that one that is alone.
Remember not to forget,
A dog is more than a pet.
Cherish those moments,
when you put the ornaments.
The end is near,
Don't worry have no fear.
We all come and go,
Just do it,
like Nike's logo.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Thankful for a Classmate

I am thankful for many people in the class. There are those I talk to those I know and those where I don't know their last names. I also thank the freshman for being as talkative as they are so that we the people on the side closest to the door can just chill.
I am thankful for one main person in that class and it is Jaleel. I have probably asked him what the homework was like 50 times. Even though that's way too exaggerated, but he has also helped me in the work we have done in that class. I sometimes don't understand the chapter, questions, etc. that we did or were doing at that time. He explains what it means or is happening. I guess it is mainly because I understand his way of explaining things. I have that effect on others as well. The teacher has said something and classmates ask what do we do? and I simply explain. Most of the time I don't understand either, but there is always someone I know that can help with that.
I have a person like Jaleel almost in every class. Even if I don't need help or anything that person exist. Jaleel is also pretty cool and we kind of like and dislike many of the same things. I don't really hang around with him, but I can tell that it wouldn't be boring. For some reason or the other, the people that help me are usually the ones I talk to in the beginning of the year. I guess it is my way to spot those that can help me through out the year.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I Am a Plow

I am a plow. I don't know the exact meaning of plow other than the noun one so I'm going to go find it. Wait here I'll be right back.
Plow- verb: to tear up, cut into, or make a furrow, groove, etc. in (a surface) with or as if with a plow (often fol. by up ): The tractor plowed up an acre of trees.
Alright, now that that is straightened out. I do think I am a plow. I TEAR most things I do. I grab my homework and tear it up. Not really. I can plow through many things especially if that's my goal. I might be small, but I can make a difference. I am great at almost 100% of everything I do. I usually do good in sports. I am a beast at video games. I haven't been anywhere close to failing in school. I also don't lose at much, however, I know how to lose and I can accept it without shame. I usually do well in many of my goals. If I don't accomplish one of my goals it is because even I knew that it was kind of impossible to do it. I think what helps me a lot in many things is my organization. I am organized in every part of my life. My time, schoolwork, house chores, etc. all of these and others have organization. I still know that I'm not perfect and not even close, but hey no one is.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Direction The Class Needs...?

Our 3rd period American Literature class seems to have no big problems with anything. I like this class because of the humor and what we do in there isn't really just busy work, except for the journal, but journals, for some reason I like doing. The only problem when the class starts is that there's always a conversation between like 3 or 4 people that make everyone want to talk among themselves. I think the only reason that problem exist is because it is the beginning of the day and everyone wants to ask or tell what happened this other day.
I wouldn't recommend Mr. McCarthy to make a change in the class because I wouldn't know what to recommend to him. I think he rules over the class easily and we haven't even seen his bad side. I think.:) He can easily just say our names and that's the end of it. I also don't think anybody is scared of him, however, they still respect him for being like that.
The class needs to maintain it's sense of humor. There is another problem with the doing of blogs and some homework. I think many people forget what it is. There should be like a little whiteboard with that night's homework on it. That would help lots of us, other than that I think the class couldn't be any better. Also the amount of work we do out of the textbook and in the textbook is a swell amount. Like it isn't so much out of the textbook, which is heavy, and it gets annoying to have to take home. I don't get how we fell behind in the House of the Seven Gables questions, but it doesn't matter.
P.S who, from the people that know me well, can picture me saying swell?... Right?

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Modern Slavery

Slavery is owning another human that does some form of labor. There is many smaller interpretations of slavery. People joke around when someone asks them to do something and reply with, "What do I look like, your Slave?" Modern slavery is thought not to exist, that's what people think. There is modern slavery, kids are forced to work in Africa, women are used as prostitutes in Europe, men are forced to work on Brazilian farms. All around the world there is slavery.
There is slavery in many homes, where kids are forced to do a lot more than a kid should do. Also between the kids themselves, the bigger one usually makes other younger ones do something for them. Slavery is against the law, but the slavery spoken of is that one can not own another human being.
There is still many places with Child trafficking, as in kidnapping a kid and selling him or her to someone in some other place far away. They are usually forced to do labor in the house, but sometimes the cases are worse. There is a big problem like this in the United Arab Emirates. In Africa this also occurs, but even men and women are sold.
We Americans think it doesn't exist because we don't have a problem like this. However, that is just in the U.S. Immigrants are usually taken advantage of. Since all they are trying to do is get to the U.S, the people that get them here can help them by getting them here, but they can betray them as well. Those people are usually not smart enough or brave enough to stand up to them and they live that way. Slavery is still a problem. It might not be as big as in Ancient times, but it's still here..

Friday, October 29, 2010

The Actual House of the Seven Gables...

The Actual House of the Seven Gables is a mansion located in Salem, Massachusetts. It is said to be haunted. The tale behind the house's is an accusation of witchcraft. The first owner of the house accused a man of witchcraft and that man put a curse on him. Later at the house the accuser died of sudden death, it is a mystery how he died.
The people that owned the house were the Pyncheons. Once Colonel Pyncheon died, Mrs. Hepzibah Pyncheon,his wife, was the owner. They were first known because of the ranks they held in the town. After Maule was hanged, or whatever way he was sentenced to death, for witchcraft that he never committed, the Pyncheons were known for an evil accusation.
Colonel Pyncheon had accused Maule of witchcraft just so that the land would of had to be put up of for sale. Then he would buy it, it was a greedy and really inhumane thing to do. I would never kill anyone even for like a million dollars..Maybe a million and one dollars, but still noo. Maule was well known and very respected so it was a strange thing once he died. So of course people noticed why Colonel Pyncheon accused him for it. The towns people lost respect for him and for the rest of the Pyncheons.
The family was however cursed so there was some type of revenge. It was said to be haunted for 200 hundred years. The people who bought the house also were disliked and frowned upon for not returning the property. They never did the right thing. The house is a huge mansion that still stands today. It is now some kind of museum. I'd like to go as a field trip..:) However it's kind of far and probably "costy" so never mind. Still it would be fun!!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Moment I Knew I Was An American

I think I first realized I was an American in 3rd grade. That was my first year taking the ISAT and I had to fill out all of these questions. It asked me for my ethnicity. My teacher told me to bubble in Latino. She said even though i was filling in Latino, I was still an American since I was born in the U.S. I guessed that it depended on our parents and where they came from.
Many people think that to be an American you need to have citizenship. I think this isn't true. If someone has lived here for their whole lives except for when they were born they should be considered an American. If someone was born somewhere else and lived in America for his or her whole life and went back to their homeland people will doubt that they are from there because of how Americanized they look and act.
I also never thought of myself as a true American because the definition to what an American is varies in many different ways. I don't believe that where you were born matters, you were raised in America and it makes no difference whatsoever. The only difference is how you look, but those are just your genes so I don't get that whole, legal-illegal stuff. I guess I never really cared about where people were born.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Us vs. Them...Us and Them

Us vs. Them. Or is it us and them? This to me means us the people and them the law. We are the ones with the less power, but together we are stronger then them. They think they can do whatever they want, but time isn't like it was back then and in ancient times. All we have to do is get enough people on our side and we win any battle and argument.
In the Crucible, things didn't work out because there wasn't enough people helping because many were afraid. The bad thing is that it would have been hard to do anything because they had limited time. If the "people with the power" gave them more time then maybe something different would be the result.
The killing in this book is so quickly decided. It is like,"You did what?" "You shall be hanged!" There is almost nothing that can stop it. If there is no proof you die. They say God says to do good and you will not be killed, however, I say God gave us a mouth to talk about what really happened and is it right for that person to be hanged or not. If I lived in Salem I would smack someone for being so dumb. They don't think right, yet again they weren't taught any better.
Without talking things through people do not solve anything. This is one of the reasons why most marriages don't last. Communication is very important and it has been for thousands of years. Also it makes life fun.If not you think not.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

John Proctor, Hero or Stooge?

John Proctor, Hero or Stooge? To me hes a Hero. He might have done some bad things throughout the story, but saving a life is to me a Hero. Unless you could have saved more. He tried hard to clear his wife, but the law of back then and of that place was just totally messed up. The only reason why they're there is because they follow family and i guess his family must have been there as well.
He betrays his wife by having an affair with Abigail. However, there is a clear part in this play were Proctor doesn't want anything to do with Abigail. Abigail ends up trying to get Elizabeth killed, so that she can have Proctor to herself.
At then end of the story, Elizabeth tries to save Proctor by lying, but it wasn't what Proctor wanted. The one thing he managed to do was save his wife and coming child. That was one of the most important keys to the savings of their lives.
Proctor was a hero the only small bad thing was that he didn't want people to know he had an affair with Abigail so h declined to sign some papers. He wanted his name to be clean, but he did confess what he had done. Proctor was a good man at heart. He just made a mistake like every other human.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God

This “sermon” is terrifying, more than any other. I have to say that what God is he talking about, surely not mine. I mean there is pretty rough stuff in this story. Edwards is saying that God has an arrow pointed at our hearts and once we draw over the line he will let it go, leaving us gushing blood. He also mentions metaphors like “his wrath toward you burns like fire” as if God was already mad at us.
Edwards throughout the sermon is saying that we are all sinners and we cannot escape the punishment of God. He mentions that we have a pile of punishment just piling as we sin and once it overflows it will just burst out and will hit us with God's punishment. It has a power so mighty than not even if we were ten thousand times stronger would we be able to stop it.
If this was true so many bad people would not just die, because according to Edwards it isn't enough punishment and it isn't that bad as he explains it in this story. This God is a evil God, just waiting for us to sin and destroy us with a punishment. That is, of course if he existed because this is so out of line and plain dumb. I am a Catholic and I think this is foolishness. My god is forgiving. :)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

There Goes The Neighborhood!

If an African American, White person, or any Hispanic family moved in to my neighborhood everyone will be like, "There's a new family in the neighborhood ,blah blah blah! However if an Asian or Middle East family moved in we would be like, wrong neighborhood buddy!
I live in a almost 100% Mexican neighborhood. I know almost everyone except for some old folks and some gang related people. Everyone here knows the people that do pass by and they know those that don't really live around here. So like i can say, "What's up?" to about 50% of people. There is a gang problem in my neighborhood and i have experienced lots of crazy things.
If someone of that race where to move in we would ask ourselves, what brochure did they find this place in or something like they must be really poor or incredible dumb to move in here.
I know for a fact they would be disliked from most people and by 95% of the people that they don't know. Like right now everyone asks me why my mom rents the basement to these Pakistan people. Mostly people ask me, like my friends, when is the last time you went down there they might be hiding something?
I get where they get that, but it is wrong. Everyone that has met them knows that they are very nice people. They like to party and drink, that is one thing we have in common. I don't really mind anyone, unless they cause problems like gang members, otherwise I personally have no hate or dislike towards them.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Hello my name is Josue Salgado. I'm currently fifteen years old. I attend Whitney M. Young Magnet High School. I am a Sophomore and no taller than five feet. I am the oldest sibling of four. I live only with my mom and sisters. I live in the south side of Chicago. I'm a really serious person with what is serious and i am also very fun to be around in most cases. I love to play any sport, but I love soccer even more than the rest. I don't really like watching sports. I do have favorite teams like the Chicago Sox, Chicago Bears, Chicago Bulls, Chicago Fire, and then my favorite national soccer team is Mexico because I am Mexican. I usually get along with everyone except my sisters.
I love all Mexican food, some Chinese, in fact some of everything, even though I don't eat a lot. Yes, it is because of my size and yes I eat a sufficient amount. I love chocolate and chips. Coca Cola all the way!
I don't like people who act all that or annoying people. I usually give up an argument because it is probably not that important. I have good luck! I found $50 today. Woo Hoo! I also don't like homework especially reading. Reading is probably my worst subject. I know 3 languages. English, Spanish, and French!