Thursday, September 30, 2010

John Proctor, Hero or Stooge?

John Proctor, Hero or Stooge? To me hes a Hero. He might have done some bad things throughout the story, but saving a life is to me a Hero. Unless you could have saved more. He tried hard to clear his wife, but the law of back then and of that place was just totally messed up. The only reason why they're there is because they follow family and i guess his family must have been there as well.
He betrays his wife by having an affair with Abigail. However, there is a clear part in this play were Proctor doesn't want anything to do with Abigail. Abigail ends up trying to get Elizabeth killed, so that she can have Proctor to herself.
At then end of the story, Elizabeth tries to save Proctor by lying, but it wasn't what Proctor wanted. The one thing he managed to do was save his wife and coming child. That was one of the most important keys to the savings of their lives.
Proctor was a hero the only small bad thing was that he didn't want people to know he had an affair with Abigail so h declined to sign some papers. He wanted his name to be clean, but he did confess what he had done. Proctor was a good man at heart. He just made a mistake like every other human.


  1. I agree Josue that he might have made mistakes but he saved a life which makes him a hero.

  2. Hes kinda a bit of both to me. Hes hard headed making him a stooge yet by being hardheaded he didnt give up on saving his wife.

  3. I agree with you I said the same thing in my blog. Hero's make mistakes too.
