Wednesday, September 15, 2010

There Goes The Neighborhood!

If an African American, White person, or any Hispanic family moved in to my neighborhood everyone will be like, "There's a new family in the neighborhood ,blah blah blah! However if an Asian or Middle East family moved in we would be like, wrong neighborhood buddy!
I live in a almost 100% Mexican neighborhood. I know almost everyone except for some old folks and some gang related people. Everyone here knows the people that do pass by and they know those that don't really live around here. So like i can say, "What's up?" to about 50% of people. There is a gang problem in my neighborhood and i have experienced lots of crazy things.
If someone of that race where to move in we would ask ourselves, what brochure did they find this place in or something like they must be really poor or incredible dumb to move in here.
I know for a fact they would be disliked from most people and by 95% of the people that they don't know. Like right now everyone asks me why my mom rents the basement to these Pakistan people. Mostly people ask me, like my friends, when is the last time you went down there they might be hiding something?
I get where they get that, but it is wrong. Everyone that has met them knows that they are very nice people. They like to party and drink, that is one thing we have in common. I don't really mind anyone, unless they cause problems like gang members, otherwise I personally have no hate or dislike towards them.


  1. I just chose this blog cause you have an awesome name, but I think I've seen you like once or twice in the neighborhood I live in, so I think I live in yours. And yes I'm asian, and I don't know why my parents bought a house here, I guess because it was cheap and they didn't know much about the neighborhood. My parents are pretty dumb though, and I can tell most people around there dislike me because I'm wearing like aero shirts and I'm not sagging anything, but I usually just take a bus to my old neighborhood and hang out with friends there so its not so bad.

  2. It's too bad that a lot of people judge others based on only race, because a lot of stereotypes aren't true. I know I would be mad if someone did that to me, so it must be hard for the people renting your basement.

  3. Actually it was at first. but almost everyone in my block says Hello,nicely. By almost everyone i mean people who are out.........Joe, thanks, hmm i doubt it.

  4. I agree with the " they would be disliked from most people and by 95% of the people that they don't know." It's common instinct for people to fear that of which they don't know. Also with all the media being displayed on television it seems to give off untrue stereo types. Since people haven't first hand met someone of a different culture, the'll probably judge them by what they see on television

  5. you're talking about lil vill right? well i totally think ppl discriminating against other races is awful. however, i will admit that i don't like seeing other races in our neighborhood because integration would lead to the loss of our culture. there would be less eloteros and paleteros and mexican restaurants and less ppl who speak spanish... that's what i don't what. i'm not racist. i just love my culture.
