Thursday, November 4, 2010

Modern Slavery

Slavery is owning another human that does some form of labor. There is many smaller interpretations of slavery. People joke around when someone asks them to do something and reply with, "What do I look like, your Slave?" Modern slavery is thought not to exist, that's what people think. There is modern slavery, kids are forced to work in Africa, women are used as prostitutes in Europe, men are forced to work on Brazilian farms. All around the world there is slavery.
There is slavery in many homes, where kids are forced to do a lot more than a kid should do. Also between the kids themselves, the bigger one usually makes other younger ones do something for them. Slavery is against the law, but the slavery spoken of is that one can not own another human being.
There is still many places with Child trafficking, as in kidnapping a kid and selling him or her to someone in some other place far away. They are usually forced to do labor in the house, but sometimes the cases are worse. There is a big problem like this in the United Arab Emirates. In Africa this also occurs, but even men and women are sold.
We Americans think it doesn't exist because we don't have a problem like this. However, that is just in the U.S. Immigrants are usually taken advantage of. Since all they are trying to do is get to the U.S, the people that get them here can help them by getting them here, but they can betray them as well. Those people are usually not smart enough or brave enough to stand up to them and they live that way. Slavery is still a problem. It might not be as big as in Ancient times, but it's still here..


  1. Yeah, It's sad how some people still practice slavery and act like its nothing,

  2. I don't really see the difference in today's human trafficking and the translantic slave trade in the 1500's. It's just today, there's better technology and the law to prohibit it. But it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. =[

  3. Yeah I agree with you. Slavery is dimished but not gone yet. Immigrants labor can be a form of slavery. They would work for very little pay and if they don't comply they would be threatened with deportation. So they have very little choice.
