Sunday, May 15, 2011

Analysis of The Tell-Tale Heart

Edgar Allen Poe's short story The Tell-Tale Heart is an example of the main characters unreliability. The first person view of the story only allows the reader to know what the main character is thinking. This is what makes the reader infer that not everything the main character says is true. The character is in a situation where he is either presenting the story. He is also very defensive by saying that he is not mad and that he loves the old man.
The actions and thoughts themselves tell us that there is something wrong with this murderer. The old man's vulturous eye is what he says drove him to kill him. Therefore, as long as one's looks haunt him he has to get rid off them. If there is no other reason for his crime then it proves he is crazy. If he did love the old man as much as he confesses he does then that love would be stronger than the uncomfortableness the eye causes. Also when he tried to kill him he said he could not because at those times the eye remained closed and it was not a big enough reason to kill him.
The other part of the story is the super senses that this man or woman seems to have. He says that he is able to hear the beating of a heart. He is able to keep motionless for an hour or so. He tries to explain how much caution he took in order not to get caught.
The ending of the story is what gives away the fact that this murderer is crazy. He had already chopped the old man into pieces and yet he thought or heard the heart beat. There is also guilt that one feels that may cause one to give the secret away. There is explanations for many things of the story but they al sum up to make the reader believe he is a sick man.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Short Story Draft

Leo uncovered himself from under his Green Packer blankets. He slowly reached over to his phone and rubbed his eyes as soon as he pressed the unlock screen button. He as usual woke up a few minutes before his alarm went off. Deciding to appreciate those next few minutes he hid again.
The alarm went off and his daily routine was about to begin. He woke up got his green towel and went downstairs to shower. Leo knew that today would be like an ordinary day, but he has known to come to appreciate any sort of nature or human capability. It started early and even though he saw basically the same things every morning he always had new things to think about.
This morning his phone caught his attention. As he continued to text some his friends he wondered how it all worked. How the applications existed and how the internet worked crossed his mind, but thoughts that he had had before gave him the answers. He knew enough about science to know the basics of how everything could be possible. He asks few questions to others about his thoughts and usually he just thinks them through.
At school he is always with somebody and is friendly with everyone. He still has some thoughts but only due to the fact that he can not ignore his surroundings. He does think about others, but mostly he compares them to himself and how he can do better or might already be better then them. His goals in life are not to be better just to be happy and he does not believe it is all based on hard work and that is why he encourages himself to try anything he wants to and to forget about things unless they matter to him and his happiness.
Leo comes home right after school every day unless there is something else he can do preferably with friends that makes him happier. He eats a snack and usually dozes off to music on his bed. He then has no plans, yet he always has something to do and or someone invites him to do something. He can take his time in anything he does, usually for the same reason of thoughts.
After the day is done he concludes it with television to wash out all thoughts. There is days like today where he instead stays up thinking. He thinks not about tomorrow or about the days before. He only goes as far back as the morning.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Kid Cudi: All Along Lyrics & My Interpretation

Hey, um um um um mm
Hey, um um um um mm

When the days, change, so does my attitude
I'm messy at home, I eat a lot of junk food
When the nights change, so do my nightmares too
I dream reality, is my dream

All along, all along, I guess I'm meant to be alone
All along, all along, I guess I'm meant to be alone, out there on my own, yea

When the weeks change, the rumors change too
I'm addicted to highs, would you like to know why?
When the months change, so do my love point of views
I don't want what I need, what I need hates me...
What i need hates me

I know all along, all along, i know I'm meant to be alone, its crazy
But all along, all along, i knew i was meant to be alone out there on my own yeah,

Suppose somehow the lion hearted failed to win, who will be the villain?
All the strangers voted for him
suppose somehow the lion hearted failed to smile, who would be the villain?
All the strangers voted for him

All along, all along, I guess I'm meant to be alone
all along, all along, I guess I'm meant to be alone, out there on my own, yea

All Along is a song that Kid Cudi made to express his feelings and behavior. This song is all about him and his independence. However, he does mention some others that are unknown like the lion hearted, the strangers, and the villain. He believes to have been sent to the world to survive on his own. He explains how change in the outside world changes him as well.
The song starts off with repetition that occurs along the verses. He is saying how everyday makes him feel even sadder and lonelier. Something happened to make him feel bad and everyday alone it gets worse. He is also saying that nights affect his hopes and dreams because in reality they do not exist. They are then known to him as nightmares.
The chorus has a literal meaning about that all the time he has been alone and he is therefore saying that is what he was meant to be. In one of them he mentions it being a crazy thing, but it is true to him.
He begins again with the repetition but expands it from days to weeks. "The rumors change too," is a phrase of what different information people hear about him as more and more days change. He likes the fact that he can consider some of them real to feel less lonely. I think months are like seasons and his love for the world is different every season because of the different holidays he spends alone.
After that he says a very powerful phrase about his needs and how they hate him. However, he says he does not want those needs, due to the fact that his needs hate him, which could be a girl.
The lion hearted is just a person/or a girl with a heart of a lion that will do anything to get what she wants, the villain is a good person but he is weaker because he does not have as many supporters as the lion hearted person. Represents himself as the villain and his loneliness reminds him of his loss.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

On The Reservation

Reservations are known to be a region of land given to Native Americans. Land that is not desirable by anyone. The land is not good for farming or even to live on. Resources like oil were found on some of these reservations, however, Native Americans could not get to them due to the lack of technology.
Indian culture has affected the way others treat them. Heritage is something many Indians are proud of but many others neglect it. It affects the ability to fit in to modern society.
The stereotypical Native American is known to be lazy, a drunk, and a bad temper. Both Natives and outsiders view the reservation as if it were a separate state. Separate state meaning as if there was a border line to cross.
The reservation as described in the movie, Smoke Signals is home to many Indians but still holds a small population of people. Technology in the reservations is also not as modern as the rest of the U.S. People do view Indians as less educated and with a stereotypes of them being mean or as strangers. In the book Montana 1948 it shows clear evidence of how they were mistreated back then. People viewed their ridiculous ways as a sort of demonic worship.
Native Americans are the real owners of the Americas and they should have been given fair amounts of the land and instead helped to make sure their old ways remain.
Just as all races have their stereotypes Native Americans have some too. Today, however, stereotypes are used more for jokes rather than racism. I believe stereotypes should only be used among friends or kept to oneself.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Propaganda in 2011: Teachers' assign Project About Teachers' Salaries

A school assignment at Penn Valley Elementary School Pennsbury School District asks to write about teachers' salaries. School Board Director Simon Campbell totally disagrees with this situation. This 5th grade assignment is written in form of a letter titled, "It's time to pay the price." It shows statistics about their salaries and states that "we" don not pay teachers enough. Many will agree, however why are teachers bringing this up with kids? This is just between the Board and the teachers. Some parents are really worked up about this. Others say its does not bother them. The school used the excuse that this assignment had come from an old booklet. That is why some parents are okay with it.
I think that this assignment is totally inappropriate especially for a group of 5th graders. Yes it is true that they are less unaware about these things, but teachers should at least encourage students to want to become teachers because that is what we will need in the future. Why let them be aware of the fact that teachers are not payed enough? This is I think more of a college research project of some sort. This kind of propaganda makes me think of how many people use others with the power they have to take advantage of them to make themselves rise. How does that assignment help the kids?
The average Pennsbury teacher currently makes more than $81,000 a year.
Check it out!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Response to Beat Street

Beat Street is a movie about Art and Music. Music as in dancing it and making it. I personally like the movie because of all the awesome moves and some funny things that happen in the movie. There is also sad parts and weird parts. Movies with a little bit of everything are more interesting. Even if the action is so unreal. You have to admit that part where they chase Spit was hilarious, like a messed up slow motion chase.
This movie made me think of how much technology has advanced but how we have very similar ideas from back then. It also portrays what the average teen use to do. Some of them poor, but they still have the same likes as the rest. The movie seems to try to show some racism. Dancing and fighting are not the same thing. :)
Beat Street made me realize how important family is and to lead my friends into nothing, but good. The people in this movie tried to make themselves better in many ways some of them have done bad or dumb things, but they do their best make it better. I liked the fact that this movie is not over and it already feels like it accomplished something. Anyways this is a movie I would recommend especially to those not into music, dancing, etc..

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hungry For Attention!

Richard is a young black boy that has a family which is never in peace. The family always has a new problem to deal with. The house setting on fire, Richard's dad abandoning them, the rent, food, etc. Richard causes lots of trouble due to many different reasons. He feels as if the world revolved around him, yet no one pays attention to him. He does many things to pay attention, but he does them without thinking.
He sets the house on fire out of curiosity, but he already knows if one thing burns it is useless. He killed the cat because he was ordered to do it, even though he knew his father meant to just shut the cat up. He started to drink because he thought he liked it, but he really liked all the attention the people were giving him. Running away and writing those words on the windows are also examples. He comes up with different ways to receive attention. However, when he is given lots of attention he has this way of freezing up not knowing what to do like at the police officer and Miss Simons.
He has some reason for the things he does, but he does most of these out of hunger for attention. He is sometimes hungry for food or hungry for fighting, but these just help his figurative hunger.