Thursday, February 17, 2011

Propaganda in 2011: Teachers' assign Project About Teachers' Salaries

A school assignment at Penn Valley Elementary School Pennsbury School District asks to write about teachers' salaries. School Board Director Simon Campbell totally disagrees with this situation. This 5th grade assignment is written in form of a letter titled, "It's time to pay the price." It shows statistics about their salaries and states that "we" don not pay teachers enough. Many will agree, however why are teachers bringing this up with kids? This is just between the Board and the teachers. Some parents are really worked up about this. Others say its does not bother them. The school used the excuse that this assignment had come from an old booklet. That is why some parents are okay with it.
I think that this assignment is totally inappropriate especially for a group of 5th graders. Yes it is true that they are less unaware about these things, but teachers should at least encourage students to want to become teachers because that is what we will need in the future. Why let them be aware of the fact that teachers are not payed enough? This is I think more of a college research project of some sort. This kind of propaganda makes me think of how many people use others with the power they have to take advantage of them to make themselves rise. How does that assignment help the kids?
The average Pennsbury teacher currently makes more than $81,000 a year.
Check it out!!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Response to Beat Street

Beat Street is a movie about Art and Music. Music as in dancing it and making it. I personally like the movie because of all the awesome moves and some funny things that happen in the movie. There is also sad parts and weird parts. Movies with a little bit of everything are more interesting. Even if the action is so unreal. You have to admit that part where they chase Spit was hilarious, like a messed up slow motion chase.
This movie made me think of how much technology has advanced but how we have very similar ideas from back then. It also portrays what the average teen use to do. Some of them poor, but they still have the same likes as the rest. The movie seems to try to show some racism. Dancing and fighting are not the same thing. :)
Beat Street made me realize how important family is and to lead my friends into nothing, but good. The people in this movie tried to make themselves better in many ways some of them have done bad or dumb things, but they do their best make it better. I liked the fact that this movie is not over and it already feels like it accomplished something. Anyways this is a movie I would recommend especially to those not into music, dancing, etc..

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hungry For Attention!

Richard is a young black boy that has a family which is never in peace. The family always has a new problem to deal with. The house setting on fire, Richard's dad abandoning them, the rent, food, etc. Richard causes lots of trouble due to many different reasons. He feels as if the world revolved around him, yet no one pays attention to him. He does many things to pay attention, but he does them without thinking.
He sets the house on fire out of curiosity, but he already knows if one thing burns it is useless. He killed the cat because he was ordered to do it, even though he knew his father meant to just shut the cat up. He started to drink because he thought he liked it, but he really liked all the attention the people were giving him. Running away and writing those words on the windows are also examples. He comes up with different ways to receive attention. However, when he is given lots of attention he has this way of freezing up not knowing what to do like at the police officer and Miss Simons.
He has some reason for the things he does, but he does most of these out of hunger for attention. He is sometimes hungry for food or hungry for fighting, but these just help his figurative hunger.